Mittwoch, 21. November 2007

wiesel lipsync anim

Samstag, 10. November 2007

republik der sehnsucht

a fried and me are currently working on a short called "Republik der Sehnsucht"
in english "REPUBLIC OF DESIRE" about a guy and his girl. Its a modern musical with tunes of my fellow Markus Brandt, and we also did the 3d stuff together. Trailer is on utube
updates soon.

Donnerstag, 6. September 2007

Stretchy Biped Animation

i wrote a maxscript, which assigns a bunch of sliders to Bip01 arms, legs, neck, head and spines local x scale.
it makes it possible to make some freaky cartoon animation within charackter studio.
just name the bip in your scene Bip01, eveluate the script, and then you have a rubber char ; ) har, har!
its right here: